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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Love Letters

I read this story a few weeks ago and it really did make me tear up and smile. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/30/love-letter_n_2214622.html.  I started dating my next door neighbor my last year in high school.  The whole year before we began dating we were pretty head over heels for each other.  Only neither one of us had the courage to say anything. We drove our friends batty.

Then he left for college, out-of-state. He picked that college because he’d decided that nothing was ever going to happen between us and if he put some distance between us he’d get over me.  Two weeks later we were dating.  Which just goes to show you how crazy love is.  I still have that first love letter he sent me from the University of Pittsburgh. I couldn’t tell you how many months I carried it around in my coat and re-read it. (The coat, by the way, was his old coat, and it smelled like him.)
Now it’s been over twenty years since we started dating. He still sends me little love notes on occasion and they still fill me with the same kind of warmth that I got back then with the first. He’s given me permission to share a snapshoot of that first letter. I hope you enjoy. He’s a big ole sweety isn’t he?  I also shared a picture of us from the first few years. Damn I love that man.


  1. oh my god. He is amazing, Marguerite! ~swoon~

  2. He is pretty awesome isn't he Jase? And he's still like that. I'm a very lucky lady.

  3. Aw! What a sweetie! I hope to find a man that will send me love letters 20 years later! Thanks for sharing!

  4. So nice to read something lovely. Too cute!

  5. *sigh* What a lucky woman you are but I must also add, he's a lucky man as well. You two look so sweet and happy, not everyone gets to have that chance. Much love and eternal happiness to you and your family, Marge! And thanks for sharing your awesome story!
    P.S. I adore your books!


    1. Thank you so much, Rush. We are both lucky and we recognize that. Sometimes it's so easy to take loved ones for granted. I hope I can continue to entertain you with my books.

  6. Too sweet. *sniff* You have yourself one hell of a catch.
