Happy New Year’s everybody. I just wanted
to give an update about what I’ve been doing. I’m finishing up the second draft
of “Other Side of the Line.” I have my beta notes back and I’m really excited
about how the edits are going. I hope to submit it very soon. I’ll keep you
updated. After that I’m working on an erotic, sci-fi horror novella for a boxed
set that’s due in August. I don’t have a title yet, but I’ve started roughing
out the story. One of the new things I’m thinking of implementing this year is
having a wip page that I’ll update once a month with words counts so you can
see all the crazy things I have going on in my head.

My husband has some exciting things going
on for 2015 as well. He’s working on Nick Davis’ brainchild The Teddy Bear
Tales. http://theteddybeartales.alt-world.com/
They did a Kickstarter earlier in the year to do two mini-comics. Keir’s the
artist for the second book that Scott Markley wrote featuring Forrest and
Scout. I’m excited for them. This is a comic my son would’ve loved when he was
Which brings me to another New Years and
another birthday for my boy. He’s twelve now. I can’t believe how fast these
years have flown by. He put on a crazy growth spurt this year too. He’s going
to be taller than me by the end of the year, just you see. He’s such an amazing
kid. I loved him as a baby and I’m looking forward to the man he’s going to
become, but damn, I’d like to slow the clock down a little bit.
I hope everyone has a wonderful 2015.
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