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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Six Sentence Sunday - All I Want is You (Plus Cover Art)

I thought for this Six Sentence Sunday I'd introduce Gareth. He's Eli's cousin, best friend and will be one of the leads in my next Mountain Boys story whenever I get around to writing it.

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Eli caught Gareth in a rough bear hug and as always seeing him again was like all the intervening months between visits fell away. Gareth hadn’t changed one bit from the battered boots, worn jeans to the scruff on his cheeks. There might be a new tattoo or piercing, but the blue eyes, and the heartfelt welcome in them, remained the same.
Gareth gave him another hard squeeze, then stepped back to take Ash’s proffered hand and pull him into a hug. “This is who I really wanted to get my hands on. Shame on you Eli for sequestering him in the Great White North and depriving the rest of us red blooded American gay men from the opportunity to appreciate.”

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And this my friends is the beautiful cover that Fae Sutherland made for me for the Christmas story. Didn't she do an amazing job? I love it.


  1. I love the cover! When and where will I be able to buy the book?

  2. It's going to be a free read. I hope to have it up by Christmas if I can get all the edits done. I'll definitely keep updates posted.
