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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Blog Hop Against Homophobia

Hop Against Homophobia

Today is International Day Against Homophobia and I would like to think that because it's 2012 that we as human beings should be above discrimination.  Yet, as much as I would like to think that, as much as I can be an optimist, I see signs of discrimination every day.  I see it directed toward my husband and son because we're an interracial family.  I see it directed toward my cousin who is gay.  I see it directed toward members of my community who are suffering from mental illnesses.  And all of it hurts.  It hurts the individual, it hurts the community, it hurts everyone.  And it needs to stop.

Adorkable Totes - Kristair
And what really saddens me sometimes is that people just can't see it.  They can't see the damage they cause with careless remarks.  They can't see how close-minded their world view is. 

A friend of mine recently tried to commit suicide because of all of this isolation and misplaced hatred.  He felt so alone.  I wish he hadn't moved so far away.  I wish he had called me that night so I could've told him that he wasn't alone.  I love him.  I miss him.  I hope he finds a partner worthy of his generous heart.  I'm so thankful that he wasn't successful and that he found a friend close by that he could reach out to.  I just don't want to see it happen again.

Adorkable Totes - Triquetra
I'm joining in with a whole group of other m/m authors and organizations to celebrate this day.  We're all giving away prizes.  So click on the link above and visit them and see what they have to offer too.  As for myself, I'm giving away three prizes to three winners.  Two of them are books, ebook or signed print, winner's choice from my backlist.  And the third is something special that my cousin made for this day.  A painted tote bag with Kristair from my vampire trilogy on one side and the triquetra symbol on the other.  Please leave a comment with your email address and what prize you would like and I'll enter you in the drawing.  I'll draw and post a winner on the 21st.


  1. I hope that your friend finds love. Thnaks you for sharing.

  2. You mean to tell me that people still discriminate interracial families? You know as I say, it isn't your problem, that's their problem. Conformists! I should have been goth lol. Remember in my book the woman I slept with? She was African American and we got some looks too so I understand that, that was in 1990.

    Mike McDonald

    1. Oh my yes. Once when we were trying to check into a hotel the hotel clerk didn't want to give us the same room. Another time a dad tried pulling his kid from my daycare because he didn't agree with interracial marriages. His ex-wife kept her there. Lots of other little things, but those two were the most blatant. It's crazy and I know its their problem. Doesn't keep me from wanting to kick in their teeth though, lol. *hugs*

  3. You know what they say. It Gets Better :D That tote would be awesome Margie. Miss you tons :)

    1. *hugs hard* I miss you too and I'm so glad it's getting better. Don't be such a freaking stranger. I have you down for the tote. You and me and our bags. Love them.

    2. Yep our bag fetish is soooooo bad lol.

  4. I hope things get better for your friend. I'm a stranger, but tell him I care *hugs*

    I'd love a signed print book please if I win. Thank you!


    1. Will do, thank you and I've got you down for a signed print book. :-D

  5. It shouldn't happen - your family should not suffer discrimination, and your friend should not feel so low as to take his life. I'm glad he was helped an hope your family keep strong in the face of adversity
    If i win, i'd like the bag, great that your friend made it for this event

    1. I agree, it shouldn't happen. And I hope that as more and more voices say it isn't right at any level or for any reason that things like this will stop.

      I have you down for the bag. :-D Thanks

  6. Thanks for participating in the hop. This is a great cause that I pray one day will not be needed.


  7. Thank you for participating, sharing your story and showing your support.

    andreagrendahl at gmail dot com

    1. And thank you for stopping by and commenting. :-D

  8. I'm happy that your friend did not succed, he shouldn't suffer or die because of some hatefull jerks opinion, I hope he might see this blog hop and see that there are a lot of people out there who oppose homophobia and would have told him that he is not alone.


    oh, if I win I'd like the ebooks please, I'm for instant gratification. :)

    1. Thank you Anas. I'm hoping he takes the time to check out the other blogs in the hop as well. I have you down for the ebook. I understand about instant gratification. I'm like that with coffee and chocolate.

  9. Wow! What an amazing story. I'm glad your friend is okay.

    If I win I'd like All Bets Are Off in ebook form


    1. Thank you Crissy. I have you down for All Bets, hee, I love Eli and Ash.

  10. Wonderful post! But I'm still amazed that people would discriminate against interracial families in the 21th century!

    If I win I'd like to have an ebook please!

    anzuazura at yahoo dot de

    1. Lana, it amazes me too, every time I come across it. I'm hoping that my son will hear it less. I have you down for an ebook.

  11. What a heartbreaking post. I hope that your friend is doing much better and that he knows that there are many caring people who support him and offer him their love. I cannot understand this irrational fear and hatred of people because of perceived "difference." That's appalling that you have been treated that way. What's wrong with these people? It's the 21st century for god's sake! Wake up and smell the coffee folks. The world gets smaller every day and we need to learn to all live with and respect and love one another.

    If I were lucky enough to win a prize, I would love a print book :)


    1. Got you down for a print book my dear. I agree the world is smaller and we would all be happier if we treated each other with compassion and respect. It doesn't cost as anything as human beings to behave with tolerance and the gains we get are amazing.

  12. It amazes me how intolerant people can be and it makes absolutely no sense. Thanks for sharing your post.

    burchills AT gmail DOT com

  13. Another sad post - there are so many of them on this hop. I hope your friend doesn't give up and finds someone worthy of him.

    lmbrownauthor at gmail dot com

  14. He'd better not give up or I'll take my ass down to Texas and drag him back here where he belongs. He'll find someone. He's too good of a man not too. Thank you for responding.

  15. What a touching post. It's so sad to see this still going on in today's society, in this day and age. I agree with you. He should feel nothing BUT love, regardless of who he loves. I'm so thankful my brother-in-law, though he did go missing for way too long, is happy and living a great life. The "H" word should not be an issue in any fashion in our lives.
    Thank you for sharing!

    1. *hugs back* Thanks for stopping by. I'm so happy that your brother-in-law is back and well. And yes "H" is a word that shouldn't be used. I don't let my son use it.

  16. Thanks so much for sharing, Marguerite. I'm suffering from depression and anxieties to the point where I can't function well, so I can't work. I don't tell this to the people around me. Only my closest family and friends know. I'm afraid of the discrimination in the little town I live in. I always get this huge knot in my stomach when someone asks me what I do for a living.

    Anyway, that tote bag looks gorgeous! You have a very talented cousin.

    eripike at gmail dot com

    1. Oh Erica, I'm so sorry. Depression and anxiety is so hard to live with. I have someone very close to me who is bi-polar and he can't work right now. And when he does go back to work he can't do it in his old field because there are too many stressors and triggers. And he finds it so shaming sometimes. It's not. It's an illness, one you and he didn't ask for and people need to be far more compassionate about it.

      I have you down for the bag my dear and yes, my cousin is very talented. She inherited Grammy's painting skills.

  17. I am so glad your friend didn't succeed and has someone to support him. It's so sad that people drive others to such lengths of desperation and don't even realize what they've done.

    Anyway, any prize would be awesome. The tote is soo pretty, and books... are my love. :D


    1. Books are my love too. I have you down for everything, :-D

      Thank you for your kind words.

  18. It is so very sad that we are still dealing with hatred and discrimination for issues that had absolutely no bearing on the lives of the people doing the hating and discriminating. Who someone loves should be of no consequence to someone that is not involved in that relationship. The fact that society can isolate someone so much for who they might love that the person loses hope is heartbreaking. I am so very glad that your friend found the support he needed in time.

    All you prizes sound wonderful and generous. Tami (tb-kindle@hotmail.com)

    1. You're right, my relationship, or my friend's relationship is nobody else's business unless someone is being abused. If your sensibilities are offended because I'm married to a black man or my cousin is in a committed relationship with another man that your issue, not mine.

      Thanks for responding Tami. I have you down for the tote and book.

  19. Thanks for taking part in the hop and for sharing this post with us all.


  20. Thanks for participating in the HOP.


  21. Very good post. I'm very sorry to hear about your friend and I do hope he finds the support he needs.

    I've been on the wrong side of discrimination as well (both dating interracially and for daring to do a man's job, which really shocked me given it was the 1990's and I thought that sort of thing died out 20 years before).

    your giveaways all look good. It's hard to chose between My Heart is Within You or the bag your cousin made with the design

    janadenardo@yahoo com

    1. It is a shock Jana. I keep saying it's 2012 and this shouldn't be happening. I just hope that with each generation, differences become less important.

      I have you down for the bag and the book Jana. Thanks for stopping by.

  22. Thanks for the post. The hop was great.


  23. Thanks for the post. I couldn't agree more. My own state in the USA is one that passed one of those horrible anti-gay marriage laws, and one of the most painful things I've had to do is listen to people I knew tell me how they voted for the law because they didn't want too many gay people in the state because they made them uncomfortable.

    As though their discomfort made taking away someone's rights acceptable.

    It needs to stop. :-(

    1. whoops, email!


    2. It's amazing how people will justify taking away others' rights. Thanks for stopping by.

  24. Hi, you have probaly already picked a winner, but just in case, I had left a comment the other day but the email I left was missing a number, it is peggy1984@live.com, sorry about that.

    1. Thanks for coming back with the right email addy. I did pick winners and emailed them. Keep an eye on the blog. I'll be having more contests coming up.
